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Nutrition 101: Magnesium

Magnesium and your body Magnesium is an essential mineral that your body uses in over 300 enzymatic reactions. Enzymatic reactions are the chemical changes that occur in your body to perform life sustaining actions such as breaking down food particles, building

Stuffed Baked Apples

I LOVE baked apples in winter, there is something about the combination of apple with cinnamon and nutmeg that warms my soul. This recipe is one of my favourites because you can eat it for dessert or breakfast and it

Seasonal Produce: What to Eat in Winter

Winter has arrived and deliciously crunchy apples, zingy citrus fruits and vibrant dark leafy greens are in back in season.  Whether you're growing your own or buying fresh from the local market nothing beats the taste of just harvested produce. 

Tasty Watermelon Salad with a Twist

Watermelon is my absolute favourite summer fruit. When I was little my granddad grew watermelons in the backyard, and I spent lots of hot summer days running around covered in sticky watermelon juice. Although watermelon is available in the supermarket all-year-round

Bone Broth Recipe

Winter is the perfect season to dust off your slow cooker and make some bone broth to nurture body and soul. Bone broth is more than just a food, it's a medicine! We have written a blog discussing some of

Our Favourite Smoothie Ingredients

Smoothies are a favourite 'go to' breakfast option when i'm looking for something quick, easy and portable. They're super versatile and packed with nutrients if you get the right combination of good stuff. To help you get creative we've compiled a

Quinoa Breakfast Porridge

Autumn is here which means the return of cool mornings and warm breakfasts. This quinoa porridge is my favourite gluten-free replacement for oats. It's super tasty and rich in protein, vitamin B12, vitamin E, and calcium. Ingredients 1/2 cup of tri-colour quinoa 1.5

Why Water is an Essential Nutrient

As a Naturopath one of my biggest tips for staying healthy is to maintain an adequate daily water intake. Why? Because water is an essential nutrient needed for numerous bodily functions. Here's a few of the key ones. Maintaining Body Fluids Water